Using musical instruments can effectively support the development of communication skills, turn taking as well as attention and listening. Singing and the use of voice can also support this work. Some children learn to sing before they use language to communicate. Many children enjoy using music to stimulate their senses.
Some children that find it difficult to communicate verbally or with their voices may attend carefully to rhythm, volume and pitch as part of a communicative exchange.
Alexander has experience of using music in a variety of settings: through training at Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability, in therapeutic communities, nurseries, choirs, in addition to work as music lead, instrumentalist and conductor in educational settings.
Music and targeted therapeutic work can provide success and benefits for children with dysfluency, voice difficulties or emotional regulation.
Rhythm is integral to so much that we do as communicators. Using music, rhythm and pitch, develops skills required to listen, take turns and express yourself. All these can impact positively on the development of communication skills as well as support the stimulation and development of the brain.